we always see the tree of life be used in many fictions and daily decoration, accessories and other High-end industry, you may wonder why it is so popular and what is tree of life meaning. Today we lead you to find out what is tree of life meaning to all.

1. What Is The Meaning Of “Tree Of Life”-The Gate To Immortality

The 2011 American experimental epic drama film “tree of life” movie well interpret the meaning of tree of life-the gate to immortality. this movies featuring a middle-aged man’s memory of his growing up and the process of pursuing the tree of life-the gate of immortality. There are so many scenes showing ladders, which symbolized the gate to heaven and immortality.

Also In Chinese mythology, a carving of a Tree of Life depicts a phoenix and a dragon; the dragon often represents immortality. A Taoist story tells of a tree that produces a peach of immortality every three thousand years, and anyone who eats the fruit receives immortality. (From Wikipedia)

If you find your tree of life, you find the gate to immortality.

2. What Is The Meaning Of “Tree Of Life”-Family, Fertility And Health

In Persian mythology, the tree of life is sacred Haoma tree which bears all seeds. Haoma is also personified as a divinity. It bestows essential vital qualities—health, fertility, husbands for maidens (From Wikipedia).

Francis Cameron’s movie Avatar (directed by James Francis Cameron in 2009) well demonstrated the meaning of ancestor, family, fertility and health the tree of life contain.

3. What Is The Meaning Of “Tree Of Life”-Wisdom And Knowledge
The tree of life is mentioned in the Book of Genesis; it is distinct from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. After Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (From Wikipedia). and The Nordic cultures also believed the tree of life is a magical fount on knowledge.

The tree of life is the connection to subconscious, let you be able to access the knowledge from subconscious mind and all the creations. Also get the knowledge of mother earth by tree of life which Roots stretching deep into the mother earth.

We hope you will have a better idea about tree of life after read our information and you will find out more about tree of life.